To live through faith

To live through faith

Walk upon the miracle of the waters

To live through faith

Jesus says:  My dear child, let me speak to your heart, let me speak to you of the sorrow that you have felt for your niece’s illness.

For the greater love my dear child, the greater the sorrow; but you must not allow the emotions that you feel to overcome or discourage you.

In all things seek me in the joy of my love, and allow the sorrow to be transformed to the joy of a deeper faith, the joy of hoping and trusting in Me.

It would be not normal if you did not experience this but you must not live through the experience, you must live through faith; not through the experience of the emotions.

As I taught you so long ago, the enemy desires to confuse you with your emotions but I shall not allow him to do so.

Your faith has been your strength, your love for Me in all things has been your crowning glory and I desire that you continue, in love with great hope.

Satan will always attempt to use your emotions but your emotions are not the foundation and hope of your faith, it is this in loving me and in loving My Father through the power of the Holy Spirit,

The holy Trinity that you shall always find me, your King, your Savior, your Prince of peace to always remember what is good my child, to always remember what is good and pure and true and hopeful for the glory of God my Father. Rise this day my dear child, rise in love.

Gregory: Yes, my Lord, yes. I understand how the enemy was attempting to deceive me and your love has always been my joy, your love in all things.

Yes, love, love for the glory of God and of my brothers and sisters.

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To live through faith